I offer three types of editing services:
Not sure what your romance book needs at this stage? Read on for more.
Developmental editing
What is it? Developmental editing (also called structural editing, line editing, or manuscript evaluation) is an overall look at your book’s structure, romance plot and story, characters and their development, themes and tropes, point of view (first person vs. third), tense (past vs. present), pacing and tension, and language. I will go through your manuscript carefully and leave inline comments throughout. I will also provide a complete report with an overall look at what’s working well and things that can be improved.
Does your book need a developmental edit? If you feel uncertain about the points above, I highly suggest getting a high-level edit before you move on to more revising and then copyediting.
What is it? A copyedit includes checking the basics of spelling, grammar, and punctuation. I look for language issues such as clarity, redundancy, and style, also keeping an eye out for point of view and tense issues. I also check for consistency (are the hero’s eyes green or blue?) and will point out any major plot or story issues I come across.
When is your book ready for copyediting? When you feel like your book is the best you can make it (including having a developmental edit done, getting feedback from beta readers, and/or doing a thorough self-edit) your book is probably ready for a copyedit.
What is it? Proofreading is the final editing step for your book, correcting any missed spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. I will also check for minor formatting issues, such as extra spaces and tabs.
When is your book ready for proofreading? After your book has been copyedited and you’ve finished any needed revisions, your book is probably ready for proofreading.
Ready to get started?
Contact me and let’s talk about editing options for your book